Print Reports Preferences      Back to Previous


This set of preferences allows you to define the parameters for printing output using the Print option. These preferences are as follows:

Note:    These preferences are only enabled when the "Use PDF for printing reports" option is not checked on the General Preferences. If this option is checked, the Print Reports preferences will not be visible.

Note:    The following list includes all possible options, however, not all options may be enabled/visible in the application you are using.

Note:    Once you have defined your preferences, you must click the Apply button to save your changes and apply these to the application.




This option specifies the orientation for the print output. The options are Portrait (e.g., standard paper printing in 8.5" by 11") or Landscape (e.g., standard paper printing in 11" by 8.5").

Paper Size

This option specifies the default paper size for the print output. This field provides a drop down list box with all available paper sizes supported by the application.

Header and Footer

This option allows you to customize the header and footer for the print output. When you click this button, the Header and Footer Editor is presented. The setup allows you to specify a left, center and right header and/or footer.

You may type in static content and/or specify dynamic content based on Auto Text selections for the header and/or footer. There is a drop down list of system defined auto text values (e.g., Report Name, User Name, Filter Details etc) that you may select to insert in the header (e.g., when you select Report Name to be placed in the header, the insertion text is formatted as &[Report] and instructs the application to insert the name from the report definition).

Grid Rows Per Page

This option specifies the maximum number of grid rows that are printed on one page. The maximum allowed is 50 rows. This option is only displayed when DHTML printing is disabled.

Grid Columns Per Page

This option specifies the maximum number of grid columns that are printed on one page. The maximum allowed is 20 columns. This option is only displayed when DHTML printing is disabled.


This option specifies how the output is to be scaled or sized to fit on the page. This option is only displayed when DHTML printing is NOT disabled. There are two options as follows:

Adjust Font to a percent of the original size - when using this option, you manually enter a percentage amount (e.g., 50% of original size). This will resize the font to the corresponding percentage prior to printing.

Fit to Page - with check boxes for All Rows and All Columns - when using this option, you check or uncheck the All Rows and/or All Columns. This will fit the specified rows/columns on one page.


This set of options allows you to specify the margins for Top, Bottom, Left and Right. The values entered are in inches.  This option is only displayed when DHTML printing is NOT disabled.

Maximum Header Size

This option allows you to specify the maximum amount of space reserved for the headers you have defined for the printed reports. If the header is larger than the allocated space and the content needs the space, the full header will be printed. If the content requires the space, the header is truncated to only the amount of space specified in this parameter.  This option is only displayed when DHTML printing is NOT disabled.

Maximum Footer Size

This option allows you to specify the maximum amount of space reserved for the footer you have defined for the printed reports. If the footer is larger than the allocated space and the content does not need the space, the full footer will be printed. If the content requires the space, the header is truncated to only the amount of space specified in this parameter.  This option is only displayed when DHTML printing is NOT disabled.

Disable DHTML Printing

This option specifies if the DHTML printing is enabled. When checked, the DHTML printing is disabled and some of these Print Reports options are ignored (e.g.,

Show pop-up print dialog

This option specifies if your browser's print dialog is automatically presented when you select the option to print the report.  This option is only displayed when DHTML printing is NOT disabled. When checked, the browser print dialog is presented when you show the printable version of the report. If not checked, the browser print dialog is not automatically presented and you will need to manually open the print dialog from your browser.

Print cover page with filter details

This option specifies whether a cover page is printed with the report. The cover page will include report filter details. When checked, a cover page is included when printing the report. If not checked, the report will print with no cover page.

Print grid and graph on the same page

This option handles the printing of reports that are currently in Grid and Graph view. When checked, the grid and graph will be printed on the same page. If not checked, the grid and graph will be printed on separate pages.

Expand all page-by fields when printing

This option handles the printing of output when using attributes in the Page-By panel. When checked, all combinations of page-by attribute values are included in the printed report. If not checked, only the current page-by attribute values are used to print the report. If you are not expanding the report print to include all page-by attribute combinations, you will not be printing the entire report.

Show options when printing

This option specifies if the application print options are presented when printing a report. When checked, an options page is presented that allows you to modify any of the print parameters defined in this preferences set. This prompt page also has an checkbox option labeled "Do not prompt me again".

Note:  If you choose to display the Options page when you print a report you may modify these default print settings. If you check the "Do not prompt me again" box on the Options page, your print preferences setup is updated with the current settings selected for that print request and the Options page will NOT be presented when printing going forward. You would have to access the Print Reports preferences again to reset your preferences and re-enable this option to display the Options page when printing reports.