Re-Prompt After Drilling      Back to Previous


An attribute element prompt allows you to specify the attribute elements to be included in the output (e.g., a State prompt will allow you to specify the individual states you wish to include in your output). Once the report output is generated, select attributes allow you to drill up or down to another level of detail (e.g., drill down from State to County).

After drilling, you can re-prompt the report to select different attribute values (e.g., if you run a State prompted report, re-prompting the report allows you to change your state selections and rerun the report). If you have drilled from State to County, the re-prompt will allow you to change your state selections and will retain the drill path in the newly generated output.

In order for this to work correctly, you must drill on the attribute at the overall report level and not on an individual state. This re-prompt will not work If you drill on any individual state value rather than the overall State attribute.

The following is an example of the re-prompt after drilling:


Select a report that includes an element prompt that allows you to specify the elements of an attribute you wish to include in the report.

 For this example, we have used the HPI Data by State report that prompts you for the states you wish to include in the output as well as the Year and Tier for the HPI.




Once the report is executed and you are viewing output for those selected states, drill on the overall State attribute at the report level (right-click the row header not in an individual state) to the CBSA level of detail.

To drill on the report level, right click the State row header and specify the CBSA drill level.

Note:  If you drilled on an individual state, the re-prompted report will return no data if the original states you selected are not selected on the re-prompt. If one or more of the original states is included on the re-prompt, only the data for those original states is included in the re-prompted report.



A new output report is generated with the CBSA Code attribute added to the results. The name of the newly generated report from the drill to CBSA Code is changed to HPI Data by State->CBSA Code.



Once that output is presented, select the Re-Prompt option from the Data menu.



The original HPI Data by State prompts are presented with your original specified prompt selections.

Change the states selected for the report and selecte



When the report results are displayed, the new prompt parameters are updated to the output and the report-level attribute drill from State to CBSA is still intact for the new states you have selected.
