Reports Overview      Back to Previous


The report options in REAS are available from the Shared Reports and My Reports folders. Shared Reports contains the predefined reports that are available to all subscribers and your company shared folder. The company shared folder contains all reports saved for public access within your user workgroup. My Reports contains those reports that you have customized for your own use and are only available to your user account.

You may view the Shared Reports and My Reports pages in List view or Icon view. The List view displays one line for each report object (i.e., report, filter, template, document) with a thumbnail icon identifying the type of object. The Icon view displays the reports and report objects with a large icon identifying the type of object.

The following icons are used in Shared Reports and My Reports when displayed in Icon View:

Note:    When viewing Shared Reports and My Reports in List View, the icons are smaller and are not offset on a "page".

Note:    Some of the following object types may not be available in the CoreLogic web-based application you are currently accessing.


Object Type



Object Type


Folder – subfolder to group reports or objects within the primary folder.



Grid Report – a fully defined report definition with a report filter and template output to display as grid.


Filter – a predefined set of conditions that may be added to the report filter setup in Design mode.



Graph Report – a fully defined report definition with a report filter and template output to display as graph.


Prompt - a set of conditions with variable responses that you must specify when requesting a report.



Grid and Graph Report - a fully defined report definition with a report filter and template output to display and grid and graph.


Document - a collection of reports that are all initiated when you request the document. A document may also be Flash-enabled and will display with an "F" overlaid on the icon.