Attribute Forms      Back to Previous


When defining conditions for report filters, view filters or custom groups, you will notice the setup allows you to select the “form” of an attribute as demonstrated below. Each attribute in the REAS includes two “forms” that are used to identify the attribute; these forms are typically the ID and Description.

Note:    There are some attributes that vary from this standard and have additional forms; the forms for those attributes are not always ID and DESCSome attributes (e.g., lower-level geographic attributes such as County and FIPS code), but these are the exception.

The ID form of an attribute is typically a numeric value used to sort values for display but also to expedite joins when processing a report request. This maximizes the utilization of the queries performed to generate report output. The Description is typically what is presented in the application and on reports when displaying output. These types of forms can be, but are not specifically designed to be used in conditions for filtering or custom groups. If you do choose to use an attribute form when defining conditions, you should use the ID and not the DESC.

The numeric value of the ID form of an attribute usually is not intuitive (e.g., ID form for the MBA DQ Status assigns a value of "1" to the status of Current) but there are exceptions. The Data Period uses the CoreLogic assigned numeric value for the ID value and the attributes that  represent years (i.e., Origination, Modification, etc.) use the actual year as the ID value. For a full list of the numeric values for the CoreLogic data periods, refer to the Data Dictionary in the Document Library.

You may use the attribute forms in the following options:

·        Filter Condition setup - when you define conditions for filtering, you may use the forms of an attribute.

·        Report Output - when viewing report output, you may view any or all of the forms of the attribute.

Attribute Forms with Filter Conditions      Back to Previous

When defining a Qualify Filter condition on an attribute, you may select the attribute form to be used for the comparison. Due to the nature of the correlation between the attribute form values and the actual attribute value, it is not recommended to use this for all attributes.

Refer to Qualification Filter on Attributes for more information on this processing with a list of attributes whose ID can be effectively used for filtering.

Refer to Edit Attribute Forms for more information on enabling different attribute forms when viewing report output.



Attribute Forms with Report Output      Back to Previous

You may display the different forms of an attribute when viewing report output as follows:


When viewing the results of a report from the Report Output page, right-click the column or row header for an attribute to display the popup menu.

Note: Those attribute forms that are currently being displayed will be presented with a check mark to the left.

In this example for the Data Period, the DESC is being displayed and the ID is available to be displayed but is not currently selected (as demonstrated by no check mark to the left of the ID form option).

As you click an attribute form option, the form toggles from selected to not selected.





When you click the ID form, the menu closes and the Report Output page displays the selected forms of the attribute.

Note: For the Data Period attribute, the value for the attribute and the ID are identical (i.e., value of 305 and ID of 305 with a description of 305 - May 2014).



To demonstrate an attribute that has an ID not related to the actual values being displayed, this example demonstrates the ID values enabled for an attribute that reports by Parent Tier for HPI.

In this example an ID of 1 is assigned to the first dimension that represents the Property Type parent tier.
