Create and Edit Reports      Back to Previous


REAS provides predefined reports based on common analysis requests by our clients. In addition to the predefined reports stored in Shared Reports, you also have the option to create your own custom reports. You may create a report in Design Mode from a blank template using the Create Report option, or you may access an existing report in Design Mode to modify and save as a new customized report.

To create a new report from a template, select the Create Report option. If the application you are working in includes them, templates will be listed along with a generic option for Blank Template. The blank template will display the standard Design Mode with no selections (for those applications that require a Data Period to be defined, there will be a default Most Recent Data Period filter object selected for the Report Filter).

To edit an existing report, select the Design Mode option from the list of reports or, if viewing the report output, select the Design Report icon on the toolbar.

Elements of a Report

Design Mode Overview


Elements of a Report      Back to Previous

A report consists of the following elements:

Report Filter - a set of conditions that is applied to the source data to create the report output dataset.


You MUST have at least a Data Period filter condition to identify one or more data periods for the report.

Template - the attributes and metrics  for the output dataset and layout. The template is comprised of three elements:


Report Attributes

The attributes used for metric calculations. Each attribute has a predefined reporting band (e.g., LTV 10% would provide reporting bands for metrics in increments of 10%; 0 to 10%, 10%+ to 20%, etc).

When you define multiple attributes, the reporting bands are combined (e.g., combining the attributes of Credit Score 50 points and LTV 10% would provide reporting bands at each intersection; Credit Score 0 to 50 and LTV 0 to 10%, Credit Score 50 to 100 and LTV 0 to 10%, et al).

You must define AT LEAST ONE report attribute.


Report Metrics

The measurements you wish to use for analysis. You may include as many metrics for a report as needed. The metrics are calculated for each reporting band based on the attributes selected for the report.

You must define AT LEAST ONE metric for reporting.


Page By Attributes

The attributes you wish to use to create "pages" of data from your output dataset.

The pages will provide their own subtotals and may be modified when viewing output once a report has been run (which changes may also be saved to the report). Pages work similar to the report attributes. The difference is that you may create subsections of your output using the Page By.

When viewing report output, the Page By panel displays each of the attributes as a drop down selection list to specify the reporting bands you wish to view on the grid or graph. You may only view one band per attribute (e.g., if LTV 10% was in the Page By, the drop down would have reporting band selections of 10 to 10%, 10%+ to 20%, etc).

Page By setup is OPTIONAL and attributes may be moved from the grid/graph to the Page By panel when viewing report output.

Design Mode      Back to Previous

The following provides an overview of the Design Mode view for Grid layout and Graph layout of a report with an explanation of the components of the design layout. The Design Mode is used when creating a new report or modifying the setup of an existing report.


Object Browser

This panel provides access to search for and select objects within REAS. The browser allows you to view All Objects available for selection or just the Report Objects defined for the report you are currently working with.

The objects available for use with reports include attributes, metrics and predefined filter objects and may be used to build or customize your report.

Refer to the Object Browser section for more information.

Design Mode for Grid Report



Report Filter Panel

This panel allows you to define the filter conditions that are applied to the source data to create your output dataset. You define the conditions and how they relate to one another.

Refer to the Filtering Data section for more information.



Template - Page  By Panel

This panel allows you to define the attributes that will comprise a page of data when viewing the output dataset.

Attributes may be easily moved from the grid or graph to the Page By. Refer to the Page By section and Report Template Layout section for more information.

Design Mode for Graph Report



Template -  Layout Panel

This panel defines the data elements to be included in the output dataset and how the output is presented once the report is executed. Your layout may be defined as a grid, graph or a combination of grid and graph.

When defining a grid report, you specify the data elements to be included in the rows and columns. When defining a graph report, you specify the data elements to be included in the categories (same as rows in grid layout) and series (same as columns in grid layout) as well as a representation of the type of graph selected (the graph type selection fields are part of the toolbar above).

Refer to the Report Template Layout section for more information.