My Subscriptions      Back to Previous


The My Subscriptions page displays your current subscription setup. This page includes the standard application toolbar 001.png that includes the drop down task icon menu to provide access to the primary options within REAS. This also includes the navigation pane which may be toggled between expanded and collapsed 002.png (this is currently shown in collapsed mode in the example below).

You may not set up new subscriptions from this page, but you may edit or delete existing subscriptions. Refer to the Subscription Overview section for information on setting up a new subscription for a report from the Shared Reports, My Reports or Report Output pages. When you access the My Subscriptions page, the list of subscriptions are presented in groups by delivery method as follows:

003.png  Personal View Subscriptions - subscriptions whose output is generated on demand.

004.png  History List Subscriptions - subscriptions whose output is delivered to your History List.

005.png  Email Subscriptions - subscriptions whose output is delivered to you via email.

006.png  File Subscriptions - subscriptions whose output is delivered to the REAS FTP site.

For each subscription, the list provides the 007.png Subscription Name, 008.png Report for the subscription, the 009.png owner and 010.png schedule of the subscription, the 011.png recipient (which is normally the same as the owner but can be someone else), the 012.png Address (for Email or File subscriptions this represents the email address or FTP site location for delivery), a notation 013.png for a prompted report that has been Personalized, icon buttons 014.png to Edit the subscription setup Icon_SubscriptionEdit.png or edit the prompts for Personalized subscriptions based on prompted reports Icon_SubscriptionPersonalize.png and an option 015.png to unsubscribe (or delete the subscription).

Subscription names are unique and are assigned when the subscription is defined. The default name is a combination of the REAS report name and the system date and time when the subscription was defined. This ensures that each subscription has a unique name. You may assign your own name to the subscription at any time, but it must be unique for that delivery method.

